Dental Filling

The procedure for a dental filling is used to repair minor fractures or decay in the teeth, as a form of restorative dental treatment.

A dental filling can help to even out the surface of the tooth and improve the function of the jaw for biting and chewing. Many patients with tooth decay also suffer from sensitivity of the teeth due to loss of enamel, which can also be improved significantly with the placement of a dental filling.

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How it’s done

The first step in the dental filling procedure is to inspect the teeth to decide upon the best course of action for the patient. A dental filling is best suited for minor fractures and decay; for more severe cases other types of restorative dental treatment, such as a dental crown or implant, may be necessary.

A dentist can examine teeth with a dental probe and caries detecting liquid to investigate problematic areas. An X-ray may also be used to determine more precise information regarding the location and severity of the decay.

There are several options of materials suitable for a dental filling to fill and seal a cavity, helping to halt any further damage to the tooth, which might result from decay. For example, the material used for the filling, such as direct composite bonding, porcelain, glass ionomer, silver amalgam or gold inlays, can vary. The appropriate choice will depend on the specific factors such as where the cavity is located and the patient’s medical history, aesthetic needs, financial availability and preference.

The best Dental FIlling in Archak Dental can perform a thorough dental check up and evaluation of your teeth, giving you options and helping you decide which treatment is best for your condition. Delivering excellent and genuine care is our number one priority to help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile.